Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Month of May: Technology/Cyber Chip

May 1st:

Opening: Adults

Skill Instruction: Troop Elections so be there if you want a say in who will become SPL, or Patrol Leader

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the Memorial weekend flag retirement, the Planting Flower camp out that is on the 11th, the community wide project on may the 19th, and ACTS (Active Christians Transforming Society).



May 8th:

OpeningBlue Blazes

Skill Instruction: Director of Miskigen Valley will talk to us about summer camp.

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the Memorial weekend flag retirement, the Planting Flower camp out that is on the 11th, the community wide project on may the 19th, and ACTS (Active Christians Transforming Society).



May 15th:

Opening: Black Hawks

Skill Instruction: We will be watching Cyber Chip training videos.

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the Memorial weekend flag retirement, the community wide project on may the 19th, and ACTS (Active Christians Transforming Society).



May 22nd:

Opening: Dragons

Skill Instruction: We will be continuing to watch the videos and go over them as a group.

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the Memorial weekend flag retirement, and ACTS (Active Christians Transforming Society).



May 29th:

Opening: Leadership Patrol

Skill Instruction: We will learn about the EDGE method and this will be the day we turn in the Cyber Chip contracts that you have to create and sign.

Patrol Meeting: Talk about ACTS (Active Christians Transforming Society). Also begin to think about ideas for next years troop plan.



Month of April: Outdoor Ethics

April 3rd:

Opening: Blue Blazes

Skill Instruction: This weeks topic is the outdoor code. The Blue Blazes will talk about leave no trace, the Black Hawks will talk about the aspects of the outdoor code, and the Dragons will talk about leaving a trace and how it affects us.

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the upcoming camp out on April 28 with the webelos at Tar Hollow.  This camp out will only cost $5. Also, talk about Thunderbase 2018 which will be on May 4-6. It only costs $15 so go if you can. Mulch spreading day is on April 20 and 21 so be there. The troop has decided to give any scout that participates in mulch $100 to go towards summer camp. BE THERE! 



April 10th:

OpeningBlack Hawks

Skill Instruction: Conner will teach us about litter, how it affects the environment, and how long it takes for items to decompose. 

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the upcoming camp out on April 28 with the webelos at Tar Hollow.  This camp out will only cost $5. Also, talk about Thunderbase 2018 which will be on May 4-6. It only costs $15 so go if you can. Mulch spreading day is on April 20 and 21 so be there. The troop has decided to give any scout that participates in mulch $100 to go towards summer camp. BE THERE! 



April 17th:


Skill Instruction: We will be talking about fire this week. The Blue Blazes will talk about fire building, the Dragons will talk about fire preparation, and the Black Hawks will talk about fire safety. 

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the upcoming camp out on April 28 with the webelos at Tar Hollow.  This camp out will only cost $5. Also, talk about Thunderbase 2018 which will be on May 4-6. It only costs $15 so go if you can. Mulch spreading day is on April 20 and 21 so be there. The troop has decided to give any scout that participates in mulch $100 to go towards summer camp. BE THERE! 



April 24th:

Opening: Leadership Patrol

Skill Instruction: This week we will be having a fire building competition. The events in this competition include boiling water, burning through a string, and making tea.

Patrol Meeting: Talk about the upcoming camp out on April 28 with the webelos at Tar Hollow. This camp out will only cost $5. Also, talk about Thunderbase 2018 which will be on May 4-6. It only costs $15 so go if you can.

