Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Month of July: Biking

July 5th:


Skill Instruction: Nothing because of Summer Camp

Patrol Meeting: 



July 12th:

Opening: Black Hawks

Skill Instruction: Mr. Kreml talking, and there will be stations of different types of biking: BB-BMX biking, FA-Mountain biking, and Dragons have Indoor race biking.

Patrol Meeting: Plan bike route for week 3, signup for trash cleanup at softball tournament, and the year plan is on the 16th so if you have any input please share with Harry, Andy, or Chase. 

Game: Mr. Kreml talking


July 19th:

Opening: Leadership Patrol

Skill Instruction: Tune-ups and bike repairs: certain patrols at different times.

Patrol Meeting: Plan bike routes for next week, and talk about bringing money, water, helmets, and other gear.

Game: Bike Rodeo; also as a side note if you want to ride your bike for the game you have to bring and wear a bike helmet it's troop policy and if you don't have one you won't ride, and that also goes for next weeks bike rides.


July 26th:

Opening: Blue Blazes

Skill Instruction: Bike rides around Grove City, and before the ride be sure to discuss bike safety and signals, road rules, etc.

Patrol Meeting: Signup for trash cleanup at softball game.



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